When your loved ones want to move in with you, but she or he is from another country, one solution to this is through spousal sponsorship. In Canada, with spousal sponsorship, you can bring in your foreign partner permanently. However, it isn’t as easy as you might think it is. Some people apply for a spousal application, only to find later on that it has been disapproved because the relationship doesn’t look genuine enough.

Not only can that be disheartening, but it is also a major headache if you’ve been trying to get your loved one in for a while. In this article, we will share with you three documents you need to provide as proof of your genuine relationship:

1. Relevant Relationship Documents

There isn’t any official document that will solidify the fact that the relationship between you and the person you’re trying to get into Canada is real. However, a collection of these documents together can do so. For example, some of the documents you can use include text messages, traded gifts, phone history, letters, emails, wedding pictures, and marriage certificates.

As you can tell, the more you include these documents, the likelier it is for you to avoid getting refused due to the dissatisfaction of relationship genuineness. However, when it comes to proving your marriage, you should prove it to be “bona fide.” In other words, your marriage should be real, meaning that you two intend to stay together to build a future and not just get married for the sole purpose of moving one of you to Canada.

2. Irrelevant Relationship Documents

While the examples we’ve shared with you earlier can be used to prove your relationship with your loved one, there are other documents that you might think will also have the same results, but that isn’t the case.

Here are examples of such documents: lack of kissing on married photos, no wedding ring, photos that lack family members, lack of travel history, and no honeymoon. Other factors that might get your document unapproved can be the lack of touching in pictures, pictures that show the same clothes in multiple locations, informal reception, and documents that aren’t consistent with one another.

While your relationship might be genuine, these documents do little in terms of proving that. You might find yourself explaining some of these pictures. For example, if you’re contacted and asked why your family members aren’t in your wedding photo, you’ll need to explain.

3. Common-Law Sponsorship

If you aren’t legally married with your partner but are still together in a way, you can still get him or her into Canada through common-law sponsorship.

Again, many factors will help you prove this. For example, you will need to present proof of divorce, proof of long-time cohabitation, and evidence such as bank accounts and life insurances to show that you’ve been together for at least a year.

Sponsoring Canadian Citizen
Spousal Sponsorship


The inclusion of as many documents as possible that will prove the relationship is genuine will increase your chances of not only avoiding refusal but also getting your loved one into Canada much sooner. Making sure that your documents are all in order can be quite a headache. For this reason, we highly recommend that you work with an immigration agency so that you can go through the process much smoother and quicker.

Are you looking for a Canadian immigration agency in Toronto to help with your immigration-needs? Get in touch with us today to see how we can help you!

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