One question that many of our customers ask us pertains to the different factors that affect your Canadian immigration application. You may have control over things like your qualifications and the quality of your application, but other factors such as the economic situation of the country and the surrounding political landscape are well beyond your power to influence.

In this article, we’ll go over the factors that fall into the latter category. This is to give you an idea of the context in which your application will be evaluated.

1. The System’s Capacity

Canada’s immigration program, although strongly supported by the government, still has its limits. This is not just in terms of how many applications it can realistically process, but also in the total number of immigrants who are welcomed into the population.

What this means is that in certain years, the total number of “slots” that are available might be lower than in other years. This could be an effect of diminished demand for workers or a lack of infrastructure and resources to support them. Whatever the case, these times will signify that the odds of being successful with your application are not as favourable.

2. International Politics

The relationships between different sovereign nations are perpetually evolving, Economic alliances can either strengthen or deteriorate, and it is these global-scale events that have arguably the biggest impact on immigration policies.

In other words, the relationship between your home country and Canada will undoubtedly change from time to time, and it could be either to the benefit or detriment of your application. For instance, a bilateral agreement between Canada and your country of origin can make your application suddenly more attractive than others’, improving your chances of success.

3. Local Policy

Canada is comprised of several territories that, for the most part, have similar laws regarding immigration. However, some regions such as Quebec are free to set their own regulations for such. This means that where exactly in Canada you intend to migrate may play a key role in your application’s success.

In this regard, it’s best to familiarize yourself with a given jurisdiction’s immigration policies to know whether or not it’s a good time for you to apply.

4. Demographic Factors

The immigration program has goals that vary from year to year. For example, there might be a greater need for younger immigrants during a certain period, which means that those who fall into this demographic have a generally higher chance of getting their applications approved.

It could also be a matter of the applicant’s background. Families that can be reunited through a granted immigration request, for instance, are favoured heavily by the system. There are several other cases where your identity can factor into the deciding process, and these will all be a matter of certain traits that the program is looking for in its applicants.

Canadian Visa Application
Canadian Immigration Application


As you can see, the success or rejection of your immigration application can also be a matter of simple timing. Sometimes, the current environment will make it more difficult for you to get approval, and you will have to pay attention to these factors to decide whether it’s a good time to make an application or not.

Fortunately, a qualified immigration consultant can guide you through the entire process. We have helped many other individuals successfully apply for immigration to Canada, and we’d be happy to do the same for you.

If you’re looking for professional help from a trusted firm, contact our immigration consultants in Canada at or call 1-888-404-8472.

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